300 Congress St, Suite 304, Quincy, MA 02169

About Quincy Spine Center

What makes Quincy Spine Center different from other spine treatment centers is its nonsurgical approach to back and neck problems.

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Dr. Richard Mazzaferro is a board-certified specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with more than 20 years experience in spine. Dr. Mazzaferro is proficient in the use of lumbar and cervical spine injections. He completed his training in 2002 at the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He trained at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and is currently a Clinical Instructor at Tufts University School of Medicine.

From 2002-2006 he served as Chief of the Interventional Spine Pain Management Service at the Eisenhower Army Medical Center in Augusta, Georgia. In 2006, he received the United States Army’s prestigious Meritorious Service Medal for his work at the Eisenhower Army Medical Center. He was promoted to Lt. Colonel and completed his reserve duty obligations in February 2013. Dr. Mazzaferro then founded the Quincy Spine Center south of Boston.

Quincy Spine Center is typically able to determine the cause of back and neck pain and provide non-surgical treatment options that can help the patient avoid an unnecessary spine surgery. Our goal with Quincy Spine Center is to continually improve how we care for back and neck problems. We are committed to this goal, as evidenced by the following:

  • back pain south shore, neck pain south shore, back pain treatment boston, neck pain treatment boston, Dr. rich mazzaferro, Rich Mazzaferro DO, Massachusetts spine center, spine center Massachusetts, spine center Braintree, spine center Milton, spine center Weymouth, spine center Hingham, spine center Hull, spine center Randolph, spine center Holbrook, spine center boston, spine center south boston, spine center Brookline, spine center Dedham, spine center Winthrop,  spine center Rockland, spine center Chelsea, home remedies back pain boston, home remedies neck pain south shore, Quincy Spine Center, Dr. Mazzaferro, Minimally invasive spine surgery Quincy, home remedies for back pain Boston, Non-surgical treatment for back pain Massachusetts, spinal injections Boston, spinal injections Quincy, back pain treatment Quincy, spine center Quincy, Herniated disc Quincy Massachusetts, Spine surgery second opinion Massachusetts, Spine surgery second opinion Boston, home remedies for neck pain boston, spine center Canton, spine center CambridgeWe have significant expertise in non-surgical management of spine problems, from diagnostics and injection therapy. This includes an internal injection suite that enables the patient to have their pain-relieving spinal injection without the red tape and hassle involved with a hospital or ambulatory surgery center.
  • In the same building a team of physical therapists have an exercise gym where our patients can receive customized stretches and home exercise programs for their back pain or neck pain. These stretches help create a stronger, more flexible back which in turn prevents future strain and attacks of back or neck pain.
  • We take the time to educate patients so they understand the cause of their back or neck problem and how best to relieve symptoms.
  • We can be especially helpful to worker's compensation patients who have injured themselves on the job, as we provide an unbiased assessment of their problem, and help them return to activity and their job.
  • We work closely with your chiropractor or family practice physician to develop a treatment plan that reduces the risk of a future back pain attack.

Dr. Mazzaferro has hospital staff privileges at the following hospitals:

  • South Shore Medical Center
  • Metrowest Medical Center
  • Carney Medical Center of Steward Healthcare

Quincy Spine Center provides second opinions for back surgery, neck surgery and other spine problems. The spine center receives back pain and neck pain patients that are referred by other physicians in cities across the Boston area and South Shore, including the cities of: Braintree, Dedham, Foxborough, Brockton, Plymouth and Wareham. Additionally patients are referred from across Cape Cod including the towns of Sandwich, Mashpee, Barnstable, Dennis, Harwich, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown.


Dr. Richard Mazzaferro

Board-certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Richard Mazzaferro is a board-certified specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with more than 10 years experience in spine. Dr. Mazzaferro is proficient in the use of lumbar and cervical interventional pain procedures. In 2002, he finished his residency training at the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is the founder of Quincy Spine Center.

Understanding Symptoms

Pain is not a good indicator of when to see a doctor for a spine problem. While a back spasm can be excruciating, the good news is that ligament strain doesn’t require surgery.

Quincy Bundled Rate

Find out more about a simple 20 minute office procedure — at a $500 bundled rate — that can eliminate the need for spine surgery.

Home Remedy Book

Get our 36-page Home Remedy Book that has special stretches that relieve many pain symptoms.